
Because nitrogen is added value.

Your nitrogen stabiliser for slurry, digestate and UAN.

Protect the environment and increase yield.

It's simple, get started now!

Your roadmap, to increase profits, protect the environment and to earn lots of euros.

  • Additional yield up to > 100 €/ha
  • Significant increase in yield and quality
  • Simplified nitrogen management in the crop rotation
  • Reduced use of mineral fertilisers
  • Environmental protection through reduced nitrate leaching into the groundwater, less CO2 equivalents

Economy and sustainability go hand in hand.

  • Helps with the implementation of legal requirements
  • Reduces the nitrogen balance on the farm
  • Needs-based plant nutrition with ammonium and nitrate
  • Improved supply of plants with phosphorus and micronutrients
  • Vizura® is not counted towards the N balance
  • Low application rate – 2 litres/ha with UAN

Advantages Vizura®





Lower CO2 -emissions

With Vizura® you have an incredible potential to protect the climate.

Vizura® - when it needs to be sustainable and productive.

Your guide to efficient nitrogen utilisation in the field.

On average, only 50% of the fertilised nitrogen is absorbed by the plant. The other 50 % is not available to the plant and is released into the environment as nitrate or nitrous oxide. Worldwide, around 1 % of fertilised nitrogen is lost in the form of nitrous oxide and 10 – 30 % through nitrate leaching.

As a farmer, you face some really tricky challenges, especially when it comes to nitrogen fertilisation. Sure, we all want high yields and top quality, but uncontrolled nitrogen losses – whether through leaching into the groundwater or emissions into the atmosphere – don’t exactly make this easy. This calls for expertise with the clear aim of protecting the environment.

We need innovative solutions that not only enable efficient nitrogen utilisation, but also reduce the environmental impact to a minimum. Doesn’t sound easy, does it? But together we can certainly find ways to get the best out of your crop and our environment. This is where Vizura® comes in.

Vizura® - minimises nitrate and nitrous oxide losses

Vizura® is a nitrogen stabiliser.

Nitrogen stabilisation offers clear advantages, particularly when applying fertiliser to uncultivated fields. The young crops benefit early on from a rich supply of nitrogen through early nitrogen fertilisation.

This optimises the use of favourable soil conditions. This not only means economic benefits, but also reduces the need for additional mineral fertilisation.

Delayed nitrate delivery due to Vizura®

BASF SE | Agrarzentrum Limburgerhof, 120kg/ha

Adding Vizura® to liquid manure, digestate or UAN significantly delays the conversion of ammonium to nitrate in the soil. This protects nitrogen from translocation and leaching.

Nitrogen is always available to the plant as required. Vizura® is particularly effective during heavy rainfall.

Vizura® reduziert Nitratverluste
um 65 % auf ACKERLAND

Quelle: Zerulla et al. (2001)

Vizura® reduziert Nitratverluste
um 100 % auf GRÜNLAND

Quelle: Pain, B.F. et al. (1994)

Reduction of nitrous oxide emissions

The positive effect of Vizura® on the environment is particularly evident in the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide is known to be a greenhouse gas and contributes significantly to global warming.

Vizura® halves nitrous oxide losses.

University of Milano; Sanz-Gomez et al., 2017

The higher nitrogen efficiency means that mineral fertiliser can be saved.

Improving nitrogen efficiency

By stabilising the ammonium nitrogen in the slurry, Vizura® reduces nitrogen losses and thus improves nitrogen efficiency.
In maize cultivation with slurry fertilisation, Vizura® reduces CO2 equivalents by 43%.

This is not just a feeling, but is also proven by the AgBalanceTM method:

“The use of Vizura® results in greatly improved environmental performance and increased profitability of the agricultural production process.”

Inshort: with Vizura® you are not only doing something good for your yields, but also for the environment. You are making an active contribution to sustainable agriculture and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Arrange a consultation appointment now for your fertiliser strategy 2024.

Just give us a call!
+49 172 52 68 091

… and don’t forget to sign up for the Vizura® newsletter!

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Nitrification inhibitors – Your yield guarantor.

Real farmers, real results. Numerous trials confirm the reliable effect of nitrification inhibitors.

“Over an average of 28 years, an additional yield of 4.5 % was achieved in grain maize.
That pays off.

Scientific studies have long shown the added value of nitrogen stabilisers.

  •  Für eine erfolgreiche Maisaussaat.
  • Bei der Frühjahrsdüngung von Getreide.
  • Raps vor der Saat im Herbst oder Frühjahr.
  • Auf Grünland zu Beginn der Vegetationsperiode und nach jedem Schnitt.
  • Vor der Rübensaat.
  • Beim Legen von Kartoffeln.

“Für maximale Effektivität empfiehlt sich der Einsatz von Februar bis Mitte Mai. Hier gilt: Je größer das Risiko für Nitratauswaschung, desto länger ist ein sinnvoller Einsatz möglich. Besonders bei einer späten Stickstoffaufnahme zeigt sich die volle Wirksamkeit – eine kluge Wahl, insbesondere für Kulturen wie Mais.”

– perfekt bei der Stickstoffdüngung Deiner Kulturpflanzen

Wieviel kostet Vizura®? Was bringt Vizura®?

Eine Rechnung, die aufgeht!

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Dein Mehrwert für Gülle und Gärrest

Vizura® steigert deine Erträge nachhaltig um 5 – 7 %. Unter den aktuellen klimatischen Bedingungen mit extremen Niederschlägen auf der einen und Frühsommertrockenheit auf der anderen Seite sorgt Vizura® für sichere Erträge auf einem hohen Niveau.
Vizura® steigert Ertrag nachhaltig

Vizura® – nachhaltig produktiv

Vizura® steigert die Stickstoffaufnahme
Quelle: Schmidthalter et al. (2011)

Vizura® - Your guarantee for success with organic fertilisation

Whether slurry or digestate, you can get a lot out of organic fertilisation with Vizura®.

  • Environmental protection through reduced nitrate leaching into the groundwater, less CO2 equivalents
  • Reduces the nitrogen balance on the farm
  • Needs-based plant nutrition with ammonium and nitrate
  • Significant increase in yield and quality
  • Reduced use of mineral fertilisers


  • Fertiliser application saves work and time
  • Earlier fertilisation dates allow more flexibility in plant nutrition
  • Improved supply of phosphorus and micronutrients to plants
  • Vizura® does not count towards the N – balance

The application rate determines the success:

Application of organic fertilisers in spring
1 litres/ha
Incorporation of organic fertilisers from 0 - 20 cm and application in spring
2 litres/ha
Incorporation of organic fertilisers of more than 20 cm and application in late summer
3 litres/ha

All you have to do is mix Vizura® with UAN. Your advantages are obvious.

  • Application rate only 2 litres/ha regardless of the amount of nitrogen
  • Miscibility with UAN is possible
  • Fertiliser applications can be combined
  • Winter oilseed rape can be sufficiently supplied with nitrogen with just one fertiliser application

Vizura® is suitable for UAN, Ammonium sulphate solution and can also be used in the Cultan process

Vizura®- Your partner for mineral fertilisation

Recommendation for use

Vizura® can be added directly to the slurry pit. Thorough mixing of Vizura® in the pit is necessary to ensure optimum distribution. Vizura® is stable in the slurry for up to 4 months. It is even more efficient to add Vizura® directly when applying organic fertilisers or UAN.

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Dosing at a glance

  • Mixing directly into the slurry pit or biogas plant

  • Mixing directly in the slurry tank or AHL sprayer

  • Dosing via bypass or hose

The dosing of Vizura® works with different systems.

Pumps from different manufacturers are suitable for dosing. It is important that the pump systems are acid-resistant and compatible with phosphoric acid.

From experience, we can recommend manufacturers such as ZUWA and Kotte.

Dosing into the suction hose

Dosing via the bypass

Dosing system for Vizura® pump

Dosing system for Vizura® remote control

Vizura® - the perfect container size for you

10 litre canister
50 litre drum
1000 litre IBC container

We offer you various container sizes to meet your requirements. With our container sizes, you are much more flexible than with other suppliers of nitrogen stabilisers. Whether you are a part-time business or a large company – we have the right size for you.

Do you still have questions? Contact us for a personal Vizura® application consultation!

Vizura® product properties

  • Active ingredient: DMPP (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate)
  • Application: Nitrogen stabiliser for liquid manure, digestate, UAN and ammonium sulfate solution
  • Formulation: Aqueous solution
  • Application date: Spring and late summer, the requirements of the Fertiliser Ordinance must be complied with during application.